By Aine Bennett Reports emerged earlier this year of Ukrainian border guards preventing trans people, particularly trans women, including those with legal recognition of their gender, from exiting Ukraine following Russian bombardment. These episodes have cast a light on the...
By Maurizio Sacchi On 4 September, Chileans will have to decide whether to approve or reject the 499-article draft of the new Constitution, which resulted from the November 2019 protests, the 'reventón'. Despite the overwhelming victory of the Left in...
By Emanuele Giordana Amnesty International's latest report on Myanmar - 'Bullets raining from the sky: War Crimes and Displacement in Eastern Myanmar' - is an investigation conducted by Amnesty International in the two states of Kayin and Kayah. The two...
John Kirk* – Al Jazeera From June 6 to 10 Los Angeles will host the “Summit of the Americas,” with the basic goal of strengthening hemispheric solidarity. At a time when Washington is increasingly involved in supporting the war in...
There is good and bad news for global health in the WHO statistical report, presented during the 75th World Health Assembly held in Geneva from 22 to 28 May 2022. The 2022 edition of the statistical report examines more...
By Raffaele Crocco It has been 100 days more or less. The war between Russia and Ukraine is slipping over the World, becoming background noise in spite of the tragedy experienced by the people. Exemplary is what happened in Lviv,...
By  Elizabeth Bruenig* – The Atlantic The grieving people of Uvalde, Texas, a town in the Hill Country about 80 miles west of San Antonio, now confront the irreplaceability of life in one of its most ghastly and unnatural incarnations:...
By Camilla Ballerini The organization "Open Society Foundations" in 2021 published a new report "A Passage to Justice - Selected Yemeni civil society views for transitional justice and long-term accountability in Yemen". The report is based on interviews with Yemeni...
The editorial on this week's news regarding the Russian invasion of Ukraine by our director, Italian journalist Raffaele Crocco. The Russians say that the European Union is 'not in great shape'. And if it's them to say so - those...
June is the international Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month. To start this yearly appointment, we have decided to narrate one of the activities of our partner, the humanitarian NGO INTERSOS. In Jordan, mission chief Barbara Foresti explains her team's...

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