By Raffaele Crocco The Ukrainian crisis continues to occupy the agendas and minds of the world's chancelleries. The fear of a Russian military escalation, with the consequent reaction of the United States and NATO, is worrying, as it would create...
By Raffaele Crocco Everyone still hopes in a "big bluff from Moscow", but meanwhile NATO takes action. Concretely, mobilizing men and means - and it is the first time. The crisis on the border with Ukraine is progressively escalating, and...

target: Belarus?

By Ambra Visentin What if the real target was Belarus all along? According to former Duma State deputy Ilya Ponomarev, the tension created at the Ukrainian border is actually nothing but a pretext to negotiate with the United States on...
An article by Nino Sergi*  Once again, Europe remains silent. Yet, what we are facing is a dangerous political-military game around Ukraine between Russia and the United States, one that risks getting out of hand, with consequences difficult to harness....
While, on Monday, Belarus' Security Council Secretary Alexander Volfovich claimed that Russian troops are arriving in the country for training, the United Kingdom has begun supplying Ukraine with anti-tank weapons and Canada has reportedly deployed a small contingent of...
By Danilo Elia. This article appeared first in our Italian website on November 24, 2021.  There are many ways to look at what has been happening for weeks on the northwestern borders of Belarus: humanitarian tragedy, geopolitical game, hybrid war,...
The “G20 Afghanistan” ended on October 12th in Italy, and on the following day the Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors of the Twenty Summit (Fmcbg) met in Washington, at the headquarters of the International Monetary Fund. it was...
This article appeared first on the Italian website of the Atlas of Wars on september 18, 2021. It was written by our Director, Italian journalist Raffaele Crocco. The news we received in September 2021 are signals of one, greater message:...
One of the phenomena responsible for climate change is undoubtedly deforestation. But how does this relate to large-scale land acquisitions for commercial agriculture and crops, which have grown at an alarming rate around the world? And how is this...

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