The editorial on this week's news regarding the Russian invasion of Ukraine by our director, Italian journalist Raffaele Crocco. The Russians say that the European Union is 'not in great shape'. And if it's them to say so - those...
By Robert Tait* – The Guardian Prague’s central railway station seems a picture of normality amid warm spring sunshine and the return of legions of tourists, who had been largely absent at the height of Covid. On the platform one...
Our weekly review of the week's news from Ukraine by our Director, Italian journalist Raffaele Crocco. They are reportedly 232, but some claim there are many more. This is the number of dead children since Putin's 'Special Operation' is ravaging...
Jeffrey D. Sachs* – Project Syndicate NEW YORK – Wars often erupt and persist because of the two sides’ miscalculations regarding their relative power. In the case of Ukraine, Russia blundered badly by underestimating the resolve of Ukrainians to fight...
The editorial by our project founder and director, Raffaele Crocco, on the May 9th "Victory Day" celebrations in Russia. One image remains as most striking when thinking about the May 9th 2022 celebration in Moscow. It is Putin paying homage...
By Maddalena d'Acquilio On 12 April, High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina (HR) Christian Schmidt ruled that the law enacted by Republika Srpska (RS) - one of the two entities that make up Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) - on real...
A new photographic contest for Tuscanian residents to reflect on development, future generations and integration. A project by Associazione 46° Paralelo and Primavera d'Impresa "The future in a click: ideas for the development of the country". This is the title...
The weekly editorial by our director, Raffaele Crocco. Mariupol, the gateway to hell. Russian offensive power is still focused on the city, which has not surrendered - despite everything. The Ukrainian president, Zelensky, is telling the World the story of...
by Yanis Varoufakis* – Project Syndicate (Othernews) French President Emmanuel Macron’s re-election by a comfortable margin against an opponent with whom he shares a mutual dislike almost obscured a certain co-dependence between their political camps. Macron and his opponent, the far-right...
By Alessandro Federici* The stereotype is that modern slavery is only a problem in the most distant countries. The reality, instead, is that you don't have to go far to find it. From the deep south of Spain to the...

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