By Lucia Frigo - London After almost three years, a Brexit, a pandemic and a new war in Europe, Boris Johnson resigns as British Prime Minister. He had tried to be the new Winston Churchill, the charismatic leader of the...
by Emanuele Giordana While Italy sends weapons to the Ukranian army involved in the fight agaisnt Russian invaders, there are at least four fronts of the Italian pacifist movement looking towards Ukraine. They give signs of exceptional vitality as well...
By Raffaele Crocco. Macabre accounting, as is that of every war. Ukraine's invasion by Putin's Russia is no different. Officially, 343 children have been killed since the beginning of what the Kremlin continues to call a "special Operation. In the...
  By Azeezah Kanji* – Truthout As the British government moves ever closer to extraditing WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to the United States, the pantomime of “justice” cloaking his persecution in the regalia of the “rule of law” continues to unfold:...
The op-ed by our director and founder, Raffaele Crocco. How much are we willing to sacrifice of what we believe in. How much can we leave on the road in terms of principles, values, shared rights? Above all, what is...
By Raffaele Crocco Four months after the start of Putin's Special Operation in Ukraine - since the government in Moscow still does not call the ongoing invasion a war - Kyiv has scored a likely political point: the European Council...
After the latest confirmations by the allied governments, it is now official: Italy will be the only one of the four European Union countries that host NATO nuclear warheads on their territory not to participate in the First Conference...
By Lasse Bruun and  Milena Bernal Rubio (*) – Newsweek The aspiration of inter-regionalism is to ease access for companies to regulated markets by giving them more legal protection, better geographical access and lower investment costs. However, integration projects and...
By Aine Bennett Reports emerged earlier this year of Ukrainian border guards preventing trans people, particularly trans women, including those with legal recognition of their gender, from exiting Ukraine following Russian bombardment. These episodes have cast a light on the...
By Raffaele Crocco It has been 100 days more or less. The war between Russia and Ukraine is slipping over the World, becoming background noise in spite of the tragedy experienced by the people. Exemplary is what happened in Lviv,...

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