by Alice Pistolesi*
In times of more than unstable balances and widespread and expanding conflicts, it comes naturally to reflect on the role of the United Nations. About the functions they should have and those they actually exercise. We talked...
by Raffaele Crocco
The newspapers write: the war between Israel and Hamas has reached day 373. As if it all started on 7 October 2023. They forget the preceding decades, all the years that fuelled hatred in each side, regardless...
by Alessandro De Pascale
After a massive air bombing campaign and a rain of artillery fire, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) of the Jewish state launched substantial and rapid ground operations, crossing the border with their tanks into the border...
“Macron, ‘Stop supplying Israel with the weapons it uses in Gaza’
The head of the Élysée: ‘France does not provide them.’
PARIS, October 5, 2024, 3:19 PM
The French president Emmanuel Macron has expressed support for halting arms supplies to Israel that...
by Alessandro De Pascale
At the Council of Ministers held on Wednesday in Rome, it was a difficult day on the international front for the Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni (born in Rome in 1977), the first female Prime Minister...
by Rita Murgese (Press Officer for Legambiente National for the Atlas of Wars)
Italy’s coastlines and marine environments are increasingly threatened by environmental crimes, as shown by a sharp rise in offenses in 2023, a ‘red-alert’ year for the Mediterranean.
by Mohammad Shamandafar (from Amman)
Following last week’s events in Lebanon and Iran, the sirens of war in the Middle East region started on October 7th between Israel and Hamas seems to have reached a(nother) dangerous peak. In a matter...
by Sofia Silei
The trafficking and sexual exploitation of Nigerian women is a deeply rooted issue, perpetuated by organized crime networks that operate both within Nigeria and across Europe. These networks, predominantly composed of Nigerian nationals, facilitate the recruitment, transportation,...
by Binoy Kampmark - CounterPunch website, OtherNews
The dishonour board is long. Advisors from Australia, account chasing electoral strategists, former Australian cabinet ministers happy to draw earnings in British pounds. British Conservative politicians keen to mimic their cruel advice, notably...
Amnesty International has just released a statement saying that Italy’s migrant and asylum seeker detention centres aren’t up to scratch. In April 2024, the organisation’s researchers checked out two detention centres. They found the conditions to be pretty poor...