by Maurizio Sacchi At 11.30 am today, Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, was granted permission by the High Court in London to continue his appeal against extradition to the United States. The next hearing will take place on 20...
by Higerta Gjergji Indigenous communities in Sarayaku, in the Ecuadorian Amazon, have been opposing oil exploration in their territory for decades. In 1996, the Argentine company Compañía General de Combustibles (CGC) obtained a contract with the state oil company Petroecuador....
By Ambra Visentin For at least two years, Cuba has been suffering from severe shortages of food and other goods. It is the worst crisis since 1959, when Fidel Castro's revolution established a communist regime in the country, and it...
by Sam Levin - The Guardian, OtherNews A group of leading Democratic governors offered words of support for Joe Biden on Wednesday as pressure mounted on the president to leave the race. The governors, including Tim Walz of Minnesota, Wes...
by Vivek Mishra * - Observer Research Foundation, OtherNews As the United States (US) presidential election nears, battle lines between the Republicans and Democrats have been drawn not just along political and ideological divides, but they are also geared to...
by Thomas Gift*  - The Conversation, OtherNews Although she has been vice-president for three and a half years, recent polling showed that around one-third of Americans knew little about what Harris stood for heading into the speech. This result is...

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