By Danilo Elia. This article appeared first in our Italian website on November 24, 2021.  There are many ways to look at what has been happening for weeks on the northwestern borders of Belarus: humanitarian tragedy, geopolitical game, hybrid war,...
By Lucia Frigo, London. This article first appeared on the Italian branch of our website on November 15, 2021.  With the Conference of the Parties or COP26, held in Glasgow (Scotland) in early November, the world has turned its attention...
The world is thirstier than ever. The dozens of water crises experienced in the summer of 2021 are just some of the most well-known manifestations of the chronic water scarcity the world is facing at every latitude. For decades,...
The “G20 Afghanistan” ended on October 12th in Italy, and on the following day the Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors of the Twenty Summit (Fmcbg) met in Washington, at the headquarters of the International Monetary Fund. it was...
On September 21, 2021 Joe Biden spoke at the UN Glass Building: “I am here today for the first time in 20 years representing the United States not at war. We have moved on ”. Biden added that the...
This article appeared first on the Italian website of the Atlas of Wars on september 18, 2021. It was written by our Director, Italian journalist Raffaele Crocco. The news we received in September 2021 are signals of one, greater message:...

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