By Marco Grisanti   One thing is certain: Bitcoin is divisive. On the one hand, there are actors like the Russian Central Bank, who want to ban cryptocurrency because of the risk of strong financial instability that they imply, as they...
By Anna Bisignano Since 2009, the Boko Haram uprising and subsequent responses have devastated northeastern Nigeria and the border regions of Cameroon, Chad and Niger. The conflict has caused the deaths of several thousand people, over 2.3 million people are...
By Ambra Visentin "For a long time, China has avoided calling its adversary - the United States - by its name, but now the time has come to do so". This is how Alexei Maslov, professor and director of the...
Nairobi (from our correspondent) In 2022 only, ten internet shutdowns in six countries around the world had already caused a loss of more than $621 million. And from 2019 to date, with 257 major service outages in 46 countries, the...
By Camilo Montoya-Gálvez –  CBS NEWS After a recent internal review, the Biden administration decided to maintain a pandemic-era order put in place under former President Donald Trump that authorizes the rapid deportation of migrants from the U.S.-Mexico border, the...
by our Director, Raffaele Crocco. South Korea 2018. Tokyo 2020 - effectively, 2021. Now Beijing, 2022: it is not at all strange that the Olympic Games have taken the road to the East. It is the third consecutive Olympics in...
By Valentina Ochner On 25 January, work began on the construction of a wall on the border with Belarus, which is to replace the existing barbed wire fence to stem the flow of migrants to Poland. Last October, the Polish...
By Tun Khin, President of Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK. Find his article and more of his work on our partner website. Exactly one year ago, on February 1, the Myanmar military launched a coup and opened another bloody chapter in...
By Alice Pistolesi The fragility of the African political systems is becoming increasingly evident. In the last eighteen months, Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali, Sudan, Guinea and Chad have been affected by coups d'état. We asked Francesco Strazzari, professor of political...

Africa’s hunger

by Emanuele Giordana, reporting from Nairobi Africa remains at the centre of the international community's concerns due to all the risks associated with hunger: Ethiopia, Nigeria, South Sudan and Yemen in particular remain at the highest level of alert, writes...

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