By Emanuele Giordana While the world watches with apprehension what is happening in Ukraine, a perhaps more worrying clash is brewing in Asia between the two real giants that are regulating regional balances and alliances: China and the United States....
By Maurizio Sacchi As Ottawa's new police chief prepares to remove the blockade of no-vax truckers that is paralysing Canada's capital city, the clash between supporters and opponents of the so-called Freedom Convoy is shifting to the web. And, from...
In last-minute change of plans, America’s top envoy, Antony Blinken, flew to New York City to attend a long-scheduled United Nations Security Council meeting this morning to speak about the possible war threats to Ukraine. The session, led by Russia, was meant...
by the editorial staff at AtlanteGuerre. Negotiations between Lebanon and Israel to demarcate the maritime border have resumed. The US-mediated dialogue had started in October 2020 at a UN peacekeeping base in Naqoura, Lebanon, but talks stalled several times. In...
By our reporter in East Africa, Emanuele Giordana  Somalia and the wider Horn of Africa region are facing one of the most severe droughts in decades. It is one of the elements that complicate the picture in a country with...
The editorial from our Director, Raffaele Crocco. Analyses and considerations aside, is the fact that one goes to war if it suits them. Otherwise one avoids it, because war is one of those unpredictable things, in which the guarantee of...
by Danilo Elia News for those who have missed a few episodes on Ukraine since 2013: a war is already there. News number two: Ukraine's territorial integrity has already been violated. Twice, in Crimea and in Donbas. We need to...
By Emanuele Giordana After losing the multi-billion dollar contract to supply attack submarines to Australia, France is looking for new partners in the arms trade. Just a few days ago, Indonesia pledged to cooperate with France's defence industry 'in the...
This article is updated as to 6:00 CET on 12/02/22. by our Director, Italian journalist Raffaele Crocco. All Americans must leave Ukraine immediately, as a war could start at any moment - and the Marines will not arrive in Kiev to...
By Jacob Botoga - Truthout   Nearly 23 million Afghans are facing “crisis levels of hunger” and 8.7 million are on the “brink of starvation.” This mass hunger has rendered millions of Afghans on the “verge of death,” according to UN Secretary-General António Guterres. Alongside...

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