by Raffaele Crocco It is very simple. Until November 2023 it took 28 days to bring an Italian apple to India. It was picked, loaded onto a ship and that apple, along with others of course, crossed the Mediterranean, slipped...
Text and photos by Matthias Canapini* - Unimondo** The first episode is set in the Greek town of Polykastro In the morning light, Syrian, Iraqi and Kurdish children wait for the OCC-rented van to pass. One of them chases a...
by Antonio Michele Storto While it is now clear that 2024 will be the year Sweden becomes NATO’s 32nd member, it is far from certain when this will happen. The main stumbling block - apart from Hungary’s wait-and-see attitude -...
by Raffaele Crocco As is often the case, the real devastation came with the second explosion. After the first blast, which had already caused loss of life and destruction, help arrived promptly. But the second bomb, in a well-rehearsed terrorist...
by Chris Stein * - OtherNews, The Guardian US The eruption of gunfire in Sudan’s capital on 15 April was not a complete surprise to Mohamed Eisa, a gastroenterologist living in Pittsburgh who had returned to Sudan to bury his father. He...
by The Guardian, OtherNews The scale and sheer horror of the war in Gaza has rightly captured the world’s attention. But surging violence in the occupied West Bank should sound the alarm too. Last year was the bloodiest since 2005....

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