This article appeared first on the Italian website of the Atlas of Wars on March 17, 2022. It was written by our Director, Italian journalist Raffaele Crocco. The damage of this war will weigh like lead, for years. It is...
This editorial appeared first on the Italian website of the Atlas of Wars on February 27, 2022. It was written by our Director, Italian journalist Raffaele Crocco. On this new day of war, I break my bonds and take sides:...
The editorial on the latest news from Ukraine by our Director, Raffaele Crocco. (right) So this is it: it's war. The Russian army has invaded Ukraine, in an early morning attack on Thursday, 24 February. From the first reports, it...
The editorial from our Director, Raffaele Crocco. Analyses and considerations aside, is the fact that one goes to war if it suits them. Otherwise one avoids it, because war is one of those unpredictable things, in which the guarantee of...
This article is updated as to 6:00 CET on 12/02/22. by our Director, Italian journalist Raffaele Crocco. All Americans must leave Ukraine immediately, as a war could start at any moment - and the Marines will not arrive in Kiev to...
by Raffaele Crocco. So here we go! I know, it's not very formal, but to finally have our newspaper, our website, in English really is a great emotion.  Since 2009, the Italian version of this new site - - has been...
This article appeared first on the Italian website of the Atlas of Wars on september 18, 2021. It was written by our Director, Italian journalist Raffaele Crocco. The news we received in September 2021 are signals of one, greater message:...
"For five thousand years we have had geographical maps, and for three thousand years these maps have contributed to the mental image the man has of the world. Scientists, historians, popes, researchers, navigators have drawn maps, but the cartographer...

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