By Anna Bisignano After 30 years of military rule under an oppressive dictatorship Sudan has finally toppled its president Omar al-Bashir, in April 2019. Revolutions are not new in Sudan: the revolution that overthrew President Omar al-Bashir had been going...
By Camilla Ballerini In August 2020, in the afternoon, an explosion of ammonium cargo occurred in the port of Beirut, which triggered a process of reconstruction and strong criticism and revision of a corrupt, absent and problematic system. The Forum...
By Sara Pieraccioni In 2022, after twenty-two years of the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on Women, Peace, and Security, there are fewer than a hundred National Action Plans (NAPs) about this resolution.  Tunisia adopted its first NAP...
Francesca Romana Not even the COVID-19 pandemic was able to stop the Armenian project "Social and medical support to the Elderly living alone". Dating back to 2004, it is carried out by the NGO "Hangank Elder Program and Clinic" with the...
By Rebecca Bonechi Civil society in Libya plays a prominent role in promoting inclusivity in political and peace processes: it represents the backbone of the peacebuilding infrastructure that is needed to build sustained peace. This is the mission of the...
By Camilla Ballerini The organization "Open Society Foundations" in 2021 published a new report "A Passage to Justice - Selected Yemeni civil society views for transitional justice and long-term accountability in Yemen". The report is based on interviews with Yemeni...
By Anna Bisignano “Our Land, Our Resources: stop the Plundering of Natural Resources in Western Sahara", this is the Manifesto published by the international campaign “Western Sahara is Not for Sale” (WSNS). The occupation of Western Sahara by Morocco has lasted...
In the Philippines, as in many other countries, disability discrimination is rooted and reinforced by superstitions and misunderstandings. United Youth for Peace and Development (UNYPAD) is a Muslim youth organization that aims to produce competent, effective and skilled young...
By Camilla Ballerini The Israeli movement "Machsom Watch" was born in 2001 from the willpower of 3 women who dedicated themselves to gathering Israeli women from all social classes, to give a voice to those who live in the Palestinian...
By Maria Lanteri In the village of Gwangwawa, about 250 kilometers north-east of Harare, in the District of Rushinga, an agricultural project was launched in December 2020 to mitigate the growing threat to food and nutrition security due to the...

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