by Sofia Silei Bosnia and Herzegovina, a nation scarred by the horrors of war from 1992 to 1995, is now witnessing a significant step towards justice and equality for its citizens. The conflict, marked by countless atrocities against civilians, including...
by Higerta Gjergji Bilan Media is preparing to launch Somalia’s first women-led current affairs programme, hosted by Naima Said Salah. The show will be set up as a debate, inviting public participation and tackling complex taboo topics related to women's...
by Sofia Silei One of the most powerful forms of political and social activism is the written word. This is the deep belief of Vanessa Chisakula, who was born in Lusaka, Zambia, where she now lives with her two children. Vanessa’s...
By Francesca Romana Mollica D.E.S.E.R.T.: Durabilité de l’Environnement et Stabilisation Economique sur la route de Transit . An evocative title is that of the project carried out by the Italian-international consortium including the "terre solidali" onlus, the DIST Department of Turin's...
By Sara Pieraccioni Cyprus today remains strongly divided, both politically and in the management of water resources. Since 1974, the southern part, with a Greek majority, with its capital Nicosia and a member of the European Union, is opposed to...
By Maria Lanteri In the island of Ireland, paramilitary groups had abandoned their weapons in 1998 only because they were satisfied with the conditions contained in the Belfast Agreement.  Also known as the Good Friday Agreement, the treaty was a...
By Sara Pieraccioni The people of South Sudan, the youngest nation in the world, can now aspire for a significant victory: the first women's soccer championship. During its brief history, South Sudan has been afflicted by a fight for independence,...
By Francesca Romana Mollica The Ivory Coast is still struggling to rid itself of Female Genital Mutilation practices, despite international campaigns that have been raising the attention on the violence of such traditional, but abusive, practices on young girls. So, for...
By Sara Pieraccioni Amplifying Local Voices for Equitable Development (ALVED) is a two-year project implemented by the Peaceful Change initiative and People in Need (PIN) and funded by the UK government, which aims to support municipal-level mechanisms in Kosovo and...
By Francesca Romana Mollica On July 20, 2022, the Minister of Public Health and the fight against AIDS visited the Public Health Emergency Operations Center (COUSP). The aim was to inquire about the state of the COVID-19 response and surveillance...

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